Imprinted at Birth
Imprinted At Birth
I was born blind.
Little by little my eyes opened to the world…
My first learning was the smell of my mother,
then the voice of my father
I felt safe.
I felt loved.
Whatever safe and love is,
I instinctively understood
that it was warm…
All was well.
Until one day
Many years later
Things changed…
I experienced cold and indifference
Judgement and hurt
It felt divisive and uncaring.
For a very long time
I looked everywhere
for the warmth and love I once knew.
I looked to understand
why the feeling changed.
Why were some people –
mothers, fathers, neighbors, family, children
unkind, cruel, and detached?
In a world where life begins and ends
with a breath and the beat of a heart
Why do we lose precious time
to beat each other up and down
rather than lift each other with honor?
I was certain there was another way
If I could feel it
It must be felt by others.
I began a search
Not for fame or fortune
For a soul story stored in safe and sacred space
A place where we mutually nurture trust
Inviting our hidden wholeness
The one felt on the day we were born
To stand with each other
In purpose, story and song.
To stand with each other with love.
written by Lori Schulman Yadin
copyright 2020
please do not use without permission from the author