Create Safe Space
Illuminating Our Shared Humanity - Healthy Relationships Thrive
Together we can build a culture of Benevolent Communities
We believe that Safe Space opens us to
seeing ourselves, each other, and
our communities
through a lens that illuminates
our shared humanity.
Our goal is to provide skills in human awareness needed to build and sustain Benevolent Communities. We believe that developing competence in human awareness is necessary for the embodiment of the self-reflective, communication, interpersonal and mindful practices
needed to foster healthy relationships
and grow positive, trustworthy and
productive living and learning environments.
We are persuaded that holding space that
honors every individual's unique gifts,
is respectful in the ways in which we interact with
each other, the ways we listen to each
other is integral to our shared human
experience. We know that open, honest, and
trustworthy space nurtures the generosity of heart
needed for risk taking, collaboration, problem
solving, creation, celebration and success.
We offer workshops, human awareness coaching,
facilitate leadership and community thought circles, dialogues. and retreats that focus on personal, professional, and social growth, benevolent community development, and strategic planning for social-profit organizations.